Monday, January 12, 2009


Last year we thought we would sell the house and move but we had so much junk and so many projects to do that it just wasn't going to happen. So we tackled some of the projects (there are still two bathrooms to remodel, painting to finish inside and carpet to replace) and maybe we'll be here until the house is paid for in another 5 years, who knows.

So... the last de-junking we had t
o do was the attic...mission accomplished. Anyone want to come play up there now? We have costume boxes and toys, a few rugs and it lighted on both ends and in the middle now. Eric nailed up a lot of boards for more stable flooring and it's a nice place to hang out... if like attics.

We have a section of Bart's stuff...
aquarium, books, star wars toys, records,
boxes of old memorabilia...

And a section for Anna's stuff...

We have dress up clothes, Barbie dolls, My little Ponies and house, two doll houses and more.

Come mplay!!!

Another cake Request

Hunter turned 6 and asked for a Kungfu Panda Cake with a vanilla head and belly, Chocolate arms and legs... so even though it's frosted... that's what he got.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The end of 2008

Another year!!!

Christmas has come and gone...
and of course I didn't take any pictures

Here are Frodo and Pepper wearing
their antlers... But this is not all I will remember from
this Christmas.

On Christmas day we had the whole family under one roof, except for my sister's husband.
Barbara ventured out on
the bad roads to come for dinner with us and brought our mother whom the grandchildren lovingly call "GG". The guys lovingly lifted her wheelchair up to the livingroom and it was heartwarming to have everyone here.
These are pictures Barbara took for us...

GG...Eleanor... mom is in the red and white
in the first picture are Eric and me and our four children... Ben and Bart in front...
Heidi and Anna in back with us.

Every year we say this might be her last Christmas with us and here we have had one more to share with her.
she has been such a great example to us all
on how to live gracefully
and endure gracefully to the end.